Bob and Justin's Mad Movie Blog

My name is Bob. My friend Justin and I are aspiring filmmakers and we have pretty similar tastes in movies. This will include our take on what's going on in film and television today as well as updating you on the status of our own work.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Empire Magazine Top 500

"Empire," easily the best film magazine around, just had an online poll asking readers to name (in order) their top 10 favorite films of all-time. Well the results are in and they're quite interesting. The fact that each reader's personal top 10 is incredibly varied made for results that were pretty unpredictable. How else would "Point Break" come in ahead of "Fargo"? Come to think of it how does "Point Break" come in ahead of "Fargo" at all?
Of my own personal top 10, which is located below, only "A Fish Called Wanda" didn't make the cut, which I find strange given that "Empire" is a British magazine. So now without further ado, here are my own personal top 10, and "Empire's" top 500.

10. A Fish Called Wanda
9. Lawrence of Arabia
8. Amelie
7. Dr. Strangelove
6. The Empire Strikes Back (I would have selected both "Star Wars" and "Empire" for this but they only let you do one in a slot. I decided to leave "Star Wars" out as I hate seeing top 10 lists where 2 films from the same series are in there separately.)
5. Rushmore
4. Network
3. Magnolia
2. Fight Club
1. Withnail and I

  • Empire's Top 500

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