Bob and Justin's Mad Movie Blog

My name is Bob. My friend Justin and I are aspiring filmmakers and we have pretty similar tastes in movies. This will include our take on what's going on in film and television today as well as updating you on the status of our own work.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

"Fight Club 2" to Take Shape!

From Movie Shiznit Magazine: Twentieth Century Fox announced this morning that it would be re-teaming Brad Pitt and Edward Norton for a sequel to the ultra-popular 1999 film "Fight Club." The film, scripted by "Fight Club" novelist Chuck Palahniuk would pick up in the present day with Norton's character "Jack" and Marla Singer (this time played by Keira Knightley) living in Vermont, hiding away from Project Mayhem, who now control the world's governments. Tyler Durden (again played by Pitt) will return to haunt "Jack." In an exchange directly from the newly finished script we find out some hard hitting truth.
Jack: What-what are you doing here? I thought I'd killed you.
Tyler: Well guess what, IKEA boy. I'm right here.
Jack: What have you done? Where's Marla?
Tyler: The question you should be asking yourself is...who's Marla?
Jack: Wait, what are you-what are you talking about?
Tyler: You still fall asleep for days at a time, and guess where she is.
Jack: No.
Tyler: Yes. More and more you've let yourself become...Marla Singer.

In an interesting move, Fox has decided not to hire first flick helmer David Fincher and instead hand the reins to "Die Hard 2" and "The Covenant's" Renny Harlin. In a written statement, producer Art Linson explained, "We feel that Renny can bring the much needed edge to this franchise that it was sorely lacking with Mr. Fincher." The whirlwind production is set to begin within the month with a projected release date of Christmas 2007.


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